Friday, January 11, 2013

Paying It Forward!

In the past week, my class has been focusing on paying it forward. We have discussed the importance of being kind to one another both in the classroom and at home. I've shared many stories with my students about when I was a child. My brother and I fought day and night and it made our mother so upset. As a class, I've given them the task of completing 3 pay it forward activities (some at home and others at school). You'd be shocked by the things my students have said! Their parents are even reaching out to me to thank me for the positive changes they have seen. Oh, and my classroom is cleaner than ever! Kids are picking up trash and rearranging my bookshelves without being asked!

Since starting this experiment, we've generated lists of ideas as a class about how we can pay it forward. This has been an exceptional learning experience for me. I plan to have my students pay it forward at least once a week for the rest of the year. Who knows? Maybe this will become a new routine for my students as they grow up and move on. I sure hope so!

Here is what one of my students had to say about her experience:

As a class, we generated a list of more pay it forward ideas! We had a great morning meeting discussing some awesome acts of kindness we could all try out.

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